Hello Gene,
Here at MG Coaching & Consulting, we are grateful for the incredible leaders we have the privilege of supporting through our work as coaches, learning facilitators, and consultants.
2022 has been a good year, filled with meaningful work, growth, and fun.
As we look to 2023, we are excited to continue our work with leaders and teams. Helping them to grow with intention, build stronger relationships, improve communication, and share higher levels of trust.
What plans have you made for strengthening your team and yourself in the coming year?
MGC&C offers a variety of customizable half-day workshops addressing the most common issues we find in organizations. When we begin working with a team, we often find folks who feel frestrated, defensive, or worn out, because of misunderstandings or miscommunication. Over time we help participants gain a better understanding of themselves and others, and increased appreciation for the diversity of personalities, perspectives and behaviors of their peers.
We currently have capacity for a few new clients. If you are curious about how we might help you achieve your most important goals for the new year, let’s connect and have a conversation.
Wishing you and your family, a Thanksgiving holiday filled with gratitude, rest, and connection.
Marian & Gene Guinn