Hello Gene,
If you are like us, at this time of year you probably find yourself thinking about the reality of another year coming to a close.
You are also reflecting on the past 11.5 months – all that has been accomplished AND what has been left undone. Setting aside a little time for you as an individual and with your team to think through important questions can be a great way to close out 2024 and start the New Year off in a more thoughtful, grounded way.
Some questions to get you started:
Accomplishments: What are 3-4 of the most important things accomplished this year? What goals did I achieve? What am I most proud of? Which of my goals did I really miss the mark on?
Learning: What opportunities to learn new things did I take advantage of? What did I learn about myself?…about my business?
Mistakes: What mistakes did I make? What mistakes provided me with the most significant learning opportunities?
Relationships: What new relationships did I develop? Which of my existing relationships did I strengthen? Which relationships have I neglected?
Time Management: How well did I manage my time? Have I been focused on the most important things in my life? Are there any significant time wasters that I need to reduce or eliminate?
Thinking through the answers to these questions can help you and your team prepare for 2025. We call these our Look Back Questions. In our next newsletter we will share our Vision Forward Questions to help you set the tone for the New Year you are envisioning.
Wishing you the best this holiday season!
Marian & Gene