Hello Gene,
September marks the 6th Anniversary of MG Coaching & Consulting! As Gene and I consider the importance of this milestone we are immediately filled with gratitude for the clients who have partnered with us over the years. Thank you!
Each of you have challenged us to be better, develop new skills, communicate more clearly, and listen deeply.
It is truly a pleasure to work together as partners in life, love and business.
Our work is rewarding in many ways – but our greatest reward is always found in the impact we have on leaders and teams. This comment exemplifies these rewards:
“Thank you both so much for the time, expertise, and wisdom you have shared with us over the last 8 months. I don’t know that I can fully comprehend how much I have learned, but I know that my self-confidence in my job, and my relationship with my teammates is stronger becaouse of your coaching.” ~ AnnaMarie Cornett, Chief of Staff, Lex. Public Library
We truly love helping leaders achieve more. The “more” may be trust, confidence, impactful communication, or any of a hundred other qualities or goals people are seeking.
Thank you for your support of MG Coaching & Consulting as a client, friend, or referral partner. We couldn’t have attained this milestone without you.
Marian & Gene